JUST PUBLISHED. “The Other Pakistan” in Norms, Interests, and Values (Glasser, ed.)

Norms, Interests, and Values
Dr. Osama Siddique’s research on the constitutional and legal genesis and on-going predicaments of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan and provincially administered tribal areas like Swat, has appeared in a new book on comparative constitutional law. The chapter is titled: “The Other Pakistan: Special Laws, Diminished Citizenship and the Gathering Storm.” The book, titled: “Norms, Interests, and Values: Conflict and Consent in the Constitutional Basic Order” (Henning Glasser (ed.), Nomos: 2015), is the outcome of an international conference held in Bangkok in 2012 on constitutionalism in Continental Europe, and South and South-East Asia. The conference titled ‘Constitutional Jurisprudence – Function, Impact and Challenges,’ was organized by the German-South East Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance with cooperation from Thammasat University, Thailand and in collaboration with Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Passau University Germany, and Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Germany. The new book is part of the prominent CPG Series of Comparative Law, Politics and Governance.

Dr. Osama Siddique