Capacity Building for
Justice Sector Officials
The Network members are regular speakers and discussants at national institutes, commissions and centers, and have also conducted various training and training of trainers programs for justice sector officials. Since 2014 Dr. Osama Siddique has frequently served as an External Evaluator for Public Policy Formulation Simulation Exercises conducted by Grade 20 federal and provincial officers undergoing training for further promotion at the National Management Courses (NMC) at the National Management College, National School of Public Policy, Lahore.
Dr. Siddique has developed modules and conducted various training and training of trainers programs for police officers and prosecutors in Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. He co-wrote the law establishing the Punjab Judicial Academy and continues to advise the Academy on academic policies, curriculum, faculty and training module development, administrative framework, quality management, examination systems and international collaborations. Since the past few years he has been regularly advising the Lahore High Court on court administration, case management, and technology augmentation reforms. He also engages regularly with the Punjab Prosecution Department to assist towards the establishment of an independent prosecution training academy.
Maryam S. Khan has developed training modules for prosecutors in Punjab that have been used for prosecutor training programs.